Blog - Immigrate to Russia


January 31, 2023

Coming to Russia Under Sanctions: FAQ

In 2022 numerous political, economic and financial sanctions were imposed against Russia. Foreign bank cards no longer work in Russia while Russian bank cards don’t work abroad. Many international flights […]
August 2, 2019

What is Russia for us?

In this video we explain what Russia is for us and why it is a perfect place to immigrate to. Have a look and see what we discovered.
July 26, 2019

Three things that make Russia a truly independent state

On any world map you will easily find over 180 states that are very different compared by size, population, living standards, natural resources and thousands of other criteria. But we […]
July 1, 2019

Why do you have to barely survive?

Over the past decades US markets have become increasingly more monopolised. Giants like Amazon, Google, and Facebook continue to grow. As shareholders demand more profits and the market capacity is […]
June 18, 2019

Russian response to global monopolies

Take Standard Oil, U.S. Steel or other American monopolies of the past. Yes, they were monopolies but they were localised in the United States and had relatively small influence on […]
June 13, 2019

Life hack: How to network in Russia and do it fast…

…even without knowing a word in Russian Yes, it is hard to get by in Russia without at least some knowledge of the Russian language. In Moscow and St. Petersburg […]
February 25, 2019

Americans immigrate to Russia

Video from NTV channel about Americans who find the life in Russia better than in the U.S.
June 28, 2017

Brief technical analysis of Russian economy

May 15, 2017

Technological Strength of the Russian Federation

It is understandable for us that the whole title may sound like a joke if you get your news exclusively from Western mainstream media outlets. You may even have a […]